Dedicated to the advancement of Rock 'n' Roll dance styles around the world.

3 Great Rock n Roll Dance Songs - 1

Category: rock-n-roll-dance-songs

This series contains songs I like to dance to, mostly from the original Rock n Roll era.

When - The Kalin Twins

The Kalin Twins recorded this in 1959. It's a strong beat with a traditional doo-wop sound. It was their only real hit and it's not often played these days but you can be sure that when you play it your feet will want to swing right into action, along with the rest of you.

Rock-A-Hula Baby - Elvis Presley

This is a short song at just on two minutes. However when you're fast jiving that's not always a bad thing. It doesn't look like Elvis ever recorded a longer version. That's a pity because it's a great song with a wonderful rock beat.

This Ole House

This 1981 track by Shakin' Stevens is a cover of a 1954 recording by Stuart Hamblen. It has one of the most ideal Rock n Roll dance beats, not too fast or slow but lively enough to make even the worn out want to get up for one more dance. Often played by Rock n Roll dance bands, you can be sure that if there are dancers in the room they'll be jiving their best when they hear it.

That's important because if you organise a party or an event there's nothing worse than everyone sitting and talking but no one dancing. Change the music to Shakin' Stevens' This Ole House and if they don't get up they're not interested in dancing - it's as simple as that. It's very difficult to imagine no one interested in the wonderful pastime of Rock n Roll dance.

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