Dedicated to the advancement of Rock 'n' Roll dance styles around the world.

Adelaide Band Rave-On

Category: musicians-bands

The spirit and soul that keeps rock 'n' roll dance alive is the bands that play the music. Without them, dance clubs and groups would struggle. Dancing to DJ music is OK, but it lacks the inspiration gained from live performances. The better the band, the more you feel like dancing.

Rave-On are a highly popular 50's & 60's rock 'n' roll dance band based in Adelaide, South Australia. They are heavily booked locally, with additional gigs interstate and aboard rock 'n roll cruise ships.

Their comprehensive set list of dance classics is tailored to keep the audience jiving all night, with Barbara's strong vocals and impressive range continually bringing new life to songs we've been dancing to for fifty years or more. She is backed by a tight group of polished musicians who play with masterful vigour from the first song to the last.

If you prefer to include music from 70's, 80's and 90's and later, the band also play as Dance-On, drawing crowds just as easily.

Rock 'n' roll dancing is big in South Australia, so if you're headed down under, don't forget your dancing shoes and be sure to check out Rave-On's gig guide for a fabulous night of dancing.

Visit their website for comprehensive information.

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