Dedicated to the advancement of Rock 'n' Roll dance styles around the world.

Albany Rock n Roll Club - WA

Category: clubs-rock-n-roll

Albany Rock n Roll Club - Western Australia

Rock and Roll music every Sunday.
​The Albany Rock n Roll Club is a lively dance group of people who love to dance and listen to the beat of music from the 50’s , 60’s and beyond.
Website: Albany Rock & Roll Club
Regular times:  Every Sunday from 5 pm to 7 pm
Albany Rock n Roll Club

Club members learn rock and roll dance steps at workshops held throughout the year and at the weekly club get-togethers. The social atmosphere is positive and dancing is such a fun, healthy way to exercise.  Everyone welcome ~ whether you dance, would like to learn or are happy to just listen and watch, come along and join in the fun!

New Members and visitors always welcome. Enquiries  0429 464 362 |0428 258 835

Where:  Albany Bowling Club (licensed), Barrett St, off South Coast Highway.

Price: $8 for CD nights and $12 for Live Music (less for members).

Would you like to learn how to dance 50s and 60s Rock and Roll?

Lessons are held on Sundays 3-4pm at the United Church Hall in Townsend Street. Cost is $15 per person for an hour. Private lessons also available. The club holds two-hour workshops throughout the year.

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