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Fabulous dancing, but age claims on social media are fake.

Category: news

These dancers are not 94 and 91, as claimed by a social media post. In April 2017 their ages were stated on more reliable media sources as as 70 and 64.

They are Dietmar and Nellie Ehrentraut

The dancing is fabulous and it's clearly a great performance by senior citizens. Even for their correct ages, they are extremely fit and agile. So, why tell lies about it? Why not give the couple the credit they rightly deserve and leave it at that?

A post on Facebook by a different party claims that they are much older. It's one thing to want to be popular. It's quite another to share something without first checking the facts. The golden rule is that if it's on social media and it seems incredible, there's a high percent chance that it isn't credible, it's lies.

It's very common for people who want to gain popularity by sharing something to make up a story or significantly embellish the facts. But in truth, this sort of wild exaggeration is a ridiculous practice. I simply cannot understand what goes through the heads of people who do this.

Check out the offending post.

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