Dedicated to the advancement of Rock 'n' Roll dance styles around the world.

Pubjive Rock 'n' Roll - Perth Club

Category: clubs-rock-n-roll

About Pubjive Rock n Roll

For full information, go to the website

pubjive1Pub Jive & Rock n Roll is a Social teaching class.  It enables you to learn in a relaxed, fun atmosphere.  Learning to dance, making new friends, getting out of your daily rut and getting that much needed exercise that is so beneficial in this day and age. AND NO YOU DO NOT NEED A PARTNER!!

Our two styles of Dancing; Rock’n’Roll for the faster music and Pub Jive for the average and slower music, enables you to blend your routine to suit the music you are dancing to.

We start our Week on a Sunday and repeat that class on Tuesday. This enables students to repeat their class twice a week, which is much needed when learning new steps.  It is also beneficial if you miss a day due to other commitments. You can pick up what you missed on the other day instead of missing the whole week.

We run 6 week courses, alternating between the two styles.  Check out our What Week to see where we are up to and what you would like to learn.  It is always advisable for Beginners to start on Week 1 as we move slowly through the Basic footwork for the first 2 weeks.  We then progress to a routine for that particular style.  ALL CLASSES ARE HELD AT THE MANNING BOWLING CLUB, 1590 CHALLENGER AVENUE, MANNING.

Here's a great example of some dancing with two ladies at once.

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- - Rocknrolldance! - -