Band - The Party Cats
Category: musicians-bands
If you want to party and you want some cool cats to provide some great Rock n Roll entertainment you won't do much better than The Party Cats. Based in Adelaide, South Australia, the boys perform at a variety of locations.
Vocalist and guitarist Peter Tilbrook was an original and long-standing member of The Master's Apprentices, one of Australia's foremost rock music bands of the 'sixties.

Pete isn't just Living In A Child's Dream when he makes music nowadays. He belts out the old Rock n Roll numbers like they were going out of style. You don't need to Turn Up Your Radio to hear it, either. Just trot along to any of the popular venues where The Party Cats are playing and tune in. There's so many of them you could wind up Undecided where to begin.
Pete is joined on stage by Brian 'Davo' Davvidge, the chap with a top-hat, chains and gloves, sunglasses and a bass guitar. Davo also provides back-up vocals, and entertainingly interacts with the crowd. There isn't much he doesn't notice or comment on.
The Party Cats are well-seasoned Rock n Rollers who always draw a crowd. When they're playing you can count on plenty of great music and a tremendously vibrant, fun-filled atmosphere. No lengthy 'wherethehellistheband?' breaks with these guys. They love to play. Put on your dancing shoes. You'll need them!

You can visit their own web site for full details of their coming gigs, information about the band and to book them for a private function.
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