Dedicated to the advancement of Rock 'n' Roll dance styles around the world.

category: advice-tips

Dance floors too sticky or too slippery are a common problem.

Posted by: Gareth   on:  30/04/2024   Category: advice-tips

Dance floorSticky or slippery dance floor? Here's a few ideas on how to handle it.

A dance teacher's hot tips for beginners - 2

Posted by: Gareth   on:  18/09/2022   Category: advice-tips

dancers having funHere's some more important points that I tried to impress on student dancers.

A dance teacher's hot tips for beginners - 1

Posted by: Gareth   on:  18/09/2022   Category: advice-tips

dancers having funHere's some important points that I tried to impress on student dancers. Practice these and you'll improve your dancing.

Dance is just people having fun

Posted by: Gareth   on:  14/12/2021   Category: advice-tips

dancers having funHere's a brilliant piece of advice for dancers - from a champion sportsman!

Basic back-step instruction video from Rockin' Nagambie - lesson 2

Posted by: Gareth   on:  01/10/2021   Category: advice-tips

back-step dance lesson Another lesson for beginners - basic back-step with top turn.

Smooth Dancing Impresses!

Posted by: Gareth   on:  07/03/2019   Category: advice-tips

This dancing is simple but smooth and great to watch!

Fabulous Dance Series - How To - 1

Posted by: Gareth   on:  28/02/2019   Category: advice-tips

Here's a video that presents a great example of various factors that turn dancing from merely good into fabulous. As a dance teacher for many years I was often at great pains to get students to understand this one thing.

Synchronized Dancing Rocks!

Posted by: Gareth   on:  14/02/2019   Category: advice-tips

Synchronised dancing looks great but there is an added benefit to coordinated couples dancing in regard to newcomers.

Dangerous Dance Behaviour

Posted by: Gareth   on:  21/01/2019   Category: advice-tips

As a Rock 'n' Roll dance teacher for fifteen years, one thing I drummed into students was 'keep it safe'. Don't try moves that are beyond your capability.

Pretty Dancing From George And Ann

Posted by: Gareth   on:  24/08/2016   Category: advice-tips

Here's some nice dancing from South Australian dance teacher George Davison with one of our regular stars Ann DiFabio Caruso. We can learn some important lessons from their performance.

Invaluable lessons from Frankie Manning

Posted by: Gareth   on:  08/06/2015   Category: advice-tips

Watching this YouTube video of Frankie Manning, one of the founders of swing dance in the late 1920s, you can learn a lot about how to make dance look good! He was 91 years old at the time.

Dancing Simplicity Is The Key

Posted by: Gareth   on:  08/03/2016   Category: advice-tips

Everybody wants to look great when they dance. If only there was a simple thing you could do that would wow audiences, win admiration and and make lots of people want to dance with you. Well, you're in luck. There is! Sadly though, many people miss what is staring them in the face. Watch this video

Handling 'Curveball' Songs

Posted by: Gareth   on:  16/10/2013   Category: advice-tips

One of the eternally glorious moments on a crowded dance floor occurs when the music suddenly does something weird. A song can contain a major tempo shift, speeding up or slowing down unexpectedly part-way through.

Finesse, Not Force with Rock 'n' Roll Dance

Posted by: Gareth   on:  00/00/0000   Category: advice-tips

Wildly flinging your weight around in a neatly controlled fashion is a contradiction in terms. Doing it in in time to music is a forlorn hope for most people. Every expert in every form of physical pursuit from origami through to heavyweight wrestling will tell you that it is how you use your body that counts, not simply how much force you apply.

Relax And Shine

Posted by: Gareth   on:  00/00/0000   Category: advice-tips

relax while dancing.The single most common mistake made by novice Rock n Roll dancers is being too tense when they dance. This results in stiffness and rigidity as opposed to flexibility. When we dance, we move our bodies in unusual ways. To do this effectively, especially in time to music, we must be flexible. That means we must ease up. Relax and shine.

On The Spot Dancers

Posted by: Gareth   on:  00/00/0000   Category: advice-tips

Try to dance mainly on the spot instead of travelling across the dance floor. It's a great way to develop fine Rock n Roll dancing technique. To achieve it requires accuracy and compactness of movement along with economy of energy expenditure.  These are the very things that great dancing relies upon.

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