Port Macquarie Panthers Rock'n'Roll Dance Club
Category: clubs-rock-n-roll
Port Macquarie Panthers Rock And Roll Club - NSW
Website: Port Macquarie Panthers Rock'n'Roll Dance Club

Membership of the Club costs just $10 per annum, payable 1 October each year.
One of the primary functions of the Club is to teach Rock'n'Roll. Find out about Tuesday Lessons here.
Objectives of the Club
To establish and maintain an association of local persons to enjoy the sport of Rock'n'Roll dancing and to further skills in dancing, while enjoying the social interaction of fellow members.

Lessons are taught in a large circle, so if you are single there will always be someone to dance with. The circle periodically rotates so you'll never dance with the same person for long. Couples are welcome to join the circle and dance with more experienced members or you can learn the moves together in the centre of the circle. If you want to get a group together, you can form your own circle in the centre.
Cost for lessons is $5 for members and $8 for non-members. Membership costs only $10 and is open to everyone.
Classes are generally taught in blocks of 8 weeks. You can come into class at any week, there are always more experienced dancers to help you get up to speed. The next block of eight lessons is advertised in our newsletter so keep an eye out for the next start date.